Thursday, January 10, 2013

Well, Hello, New Blog

Turns out, fixing my blog name problem was easier than I thought it would be. I just imported all my posts from the old blog (which need not be named) to this one!

I'm still needing to redesign this lovely new space with its cool new name, but I'm happy.

All the posts below here are from before. I'm still not sure if I'll be doing any weeding or if I'll just keep 'em all. Any advice?


  1. Robin Ambrose--nice to see you!

    Your captcha is on.

  2. I say weed only if you're not happy with some of the posts. I think importing them here was brilliant, and although I know you have more work to do until you're happy with your new landing place-it looks lovely.

    1. I'm mostly considering deleting the posts about my husband. I was happy with them at the time, but now I seem sadly clueless. :(

  3. Post when you have your RSS feed setup again because that is how I knew when you posted new matterial.

    1. Never mind, I figured where the RRS button feed button was.

  4. Add ways to follow you right away and then e-mail me at as soon as you do. I want to follow this new blog, but I can't!

  5. ah! and i just referenced your other name...will fix it pronto!
    such a pita change! wishing you a smooth transition and happier times ahead!

    and ambrose is way more poetic for a writer!

  6. IMO, you should keep all of your old posts. They're a part of your journey.
